Bailey & Scott's Diagnostic Microbiology 15th/2022
- Patricia Tille
- 9780323681056
- Elsevier Health Sciences, India
- 15th
- 2022
- 2.7 K.g.
- 1184
- Hard Cover
- New
- In Stock
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Save ₹ 2998 ( 30%)
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More than 800 high-quality, full-color illustrations help you visualize concepts. Expanded sections on parasitology, mycology, and virology allow you to use just one book, eliminating the need to purchase other microbiology textbooks for these topics. Hands-on procedures show exactly what takes place in the lab, including step-by-step methods, photos, and expected results. Case studies allow you to apply your knowledge to diagnostic scenarios and to develop critical thinking skills. Genera and Species boxes provide handy, at-a-glance summaries at the beginning of each organism chapter. Learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter provide measurable outcomes to achieve by completing the chapter material. A glossary defines terms at the back of the book and on the Evolve companion website.