Review of Pathology and Genetics 14th/2023
- Gobind Rai Garg, Sparsh Gupta
- 9789354658761
- Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
- 14th
- 2023
- 1.2 K.g.
- 606
- Paper Back
- New
- In Stock
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Save ₹ 398 ( 25%)
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In this fourteenth edition, we have added a lot of diagrams and flowcharts to make learning interesting and easier. Several flowcharts correlating clinical and pathological findings have been added in this edition. Several diagrams to understand concepts of diseases have been added in this edition. Another salient feature of this edition is the updating of appropriate authentic references from standard textbooks particularly in regard to the controversial questions so that reader gets all the relevant information under one roof.