Female Pattern Hair Loss 1st/2024

Art and Science of Successful Treatment of Hair Loss in Women
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  • Rachita Dhurat, Antonella Tosti
  • 9789383988501
  • Tree Life Media
  • 1st
  • 2024
  • 0.6 K.g.
  • 164
  • Hard Cover
  • New
  • In Stock
1,350.00 1,800.00

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Women's hair loss has grown to be a serious issue. Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) is the most common cause of hair loss in women. It cannot be considered just a counterpart of male androgenic alopecia (AGA) as both have distinct etiologies and pathogenesis. Although androgens are known to have a role in male AGA, it is unknown how androgens relate to FPHL. From menarche through pregnancy, nursing, and menopause, a woman experiences a range of hormonal changes that affect every part of her body, including her hair. Due to these variations, women are more vulnerable to environmental factors that function as epigenetic agents and contribute to the pathophysiology of FPHL. Dietary inadequacies such as iron deficiency are also much more common in women as compared to men. Women who lose hair may be more psychologically distressed. Early occurrences of FPHL are difficult to diagnose and are frequently mistaken for telogen effluvium, which delays the initiation of effective treatment. More than 50% of the patient's hair has already been lost by the time they exhibit thinning consistent with Ludwig grade 1, which hinders the therapeutic response. Therefore, treating women with FPHL calls for an entirely different strategy. There has been a sharp increase in cases of hair loss since the COVID outbreak. Prominent female dermatologists from both national and international backgrounds have contributed to this book. This book comes from authors who were the first to establish a hair clinic in a tertiary care hospital in India three decades ago. A patient load of around 300-400 per month inspired us to do research, innovations and allowed us to gain in depth insight in trichology which has culminated into this book. All things considered, this book is a comprehensive guide for effectively managing women with FPHL.

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